Download Street Dreams Movie
Plot : Street Dreams is a drama directed by Chris Zamoscianyk, about a talented skater from Midwest who wants to become a professional. Derrick Cabrera (Paul Rodriguez Jr.) is an up and coming skater, who dreams of being sponsored someday. However, his parents, friends and schoolmates, are all against his passion as they feel that skateboarding has no future. The only approval he gets is from his skateboarder friends. But as he improves his talent with each passing day, even his idol skater becomes his biggest opponent. Derrick finally runs away from home to take part in the Tampa Am contest in Florida, after he is arrested and is given an ultimatum by his parents as well as his girlfriend. However, due to his jealous mentor, his friends abandon him. Then he is given shelter and motivated by top amateur's sister. Finally Derrick is able to fulfill his dream as he performs a trick that shocks the entire skate world and puts him in the limelight!!

Directed by : Chris Zamoscianyk

Starring : Paul Rodriguez Jr., Ryan Dunn, Rob Dyrdek, Compton Ass Terry, Ryan Sheckler, Adam Wylie.

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