Download Planet 51 Movie

Plot : Planet 51 is an animated comedy movie about space exploration. The story revolves around an American astronaut Captain Charles “Chuck” Baker (voiced by Dwayne Johnson) who lands on an alien planet during a mission. He thinks that he is the first one to have stepped on it. To his surprise the planet has the same appearance as the earth and is inhabited by little green alien people. They have a happy life similar to that of America in 1950s with women walking with alien dogs. Much similar to humans they are worried about having an alien invader among them.

Chuck is befriended by a young resident of planet 51 named Lem. Along with his robot ‘Rover’ and a new friend, he has to find his way through the alien lands of the new planet and return home. He must fasten up as he has only three days to get back to his space ship before it returns to earth without him. A major obstacle in his way to space is a general who doesn’t want him to get away rather he wants to make Chuck a part of the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space Museum.

Directed By : Jorge Blanco

Starring : Rocky Maivia, Gary Oldman, Jessica Biel, John Cleese, Justin Long, Seann William Scott

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