Plot:- Hancock is an action filled thriller that revolves around John Hancock (Will Smith) who besides being amnesiac alcoholic and clumsy is also a superhero who uses his abilities to save the lives of people. His life changes forever, when he saves Ray Embery (Jason Bateman) who invites him to have dinner with his wife Mary (Charlize Theron) and son Aaron (Jae Head). However, it turns out that Mary possesses the same powers as him and is his wife though he remembers nothing of it. But the two cannot remain together as their closeness turns them into normal human beings and ultimately causes their death. When Mary gets injured in a shootout, Hancock must finally embrace his destiny and move away to lead a solitary life of a super hero before Mary’s heart flatlines.
Directed by : Peter Berg
Starring : Will Smith, Jason Bateman, Charlize Theron, Johnny Galecki, Martin Klebba, David Mattey, Jae Head, Eddie Marsan, Hayley Marie Norman, Thomas Lennon.
Directed by : Peter Berg
Starring : Will Smith, Jason Bateman, Charlize Theron, Johnny Galecki, Martin Klebba, David Mattey, Jae Head, Eddie Marsan, Hayley Marie Norman, Thomas Lennon.