Plot : Directed by Damien Dante Wayans, Dance Flick is an action comedy about a privileged suburban white girl who shifts to the inner city to try to improve her notoriously awkward dance moves. Megan (Shoshanna Bush) dreams of becoming a dancer after going to Juilliard. During her dance audition, her mother gets killed in a tragic automobile accident. Megan is then forced to move in with her poor father who lives in an apartment, situated in a deteriorated building, in another city. Once there, she manages to get into an inner city high school named Musical High. Having given up dancing after her mother’s death, Megan befriends Tracy (Chelsea Makela), Charity (Essence Atkins), and Thomas (Damon Wayans Jr.) at school. She then learns that her new friends are the members of a street dance group. Thomas and Megan bond well with each other and have to confront the impossible dance dream together. They try to put together the ultimate dance crew, to win $5,000 in a local dance contest.
Directed By : Damien Wayans
Directed By : Damien Wayans
Starring : Marlon Wayans, Essence Atkins, Damon Wayans Jr., Amy Sedaris, Shoshana Bush, Shawn Wayans