Download 2012 Movie
Plot:- Directed by Roland Emmerich, 2012 is a science fiction movie based on 2012 phenomenon. It begins as Adrian Helmsley, an American geologist and doc Satnam Tsurutani meet. A research by Satnam has proved that temperature of Earth’s core is increasing rapidly. Adrian makes White House Chief of Staff and US president aware that it would result in a chain of natural disasters. All country heads are made aware of the situation and they began a secret project to save the humanity from it. It’s among the most looked-for movies and is going to be a big hit throughout the world.

Directed By : Roland Emmerich

Starring : John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Thandie Newton, Oliver Platt, Thomas McCarthy, Woody Harrelson, Danny Glover, Liam James, Morgan Lily

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