Download X-Men Origins Wolverine Movie
Plot : Directed by Gavin Hood, ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’ is a science fiction based thrilling action fantasy about the violent and romantic past of Wolverine that leads up to the events of X-Men.The movie traces events in life of the gruff, steel-clawed Marvel superhero Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). It tells about his complex relationship with his brother, Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) who later becomes Sabertooth. Wolverine wants to take revenge from Victor, as he has murdered his girlfriend. The movie also tells about how Logan (Jackman)(Ryan Reynolds), Gambit (Taylor Kitsch), John Wraith (Will.i.Am), and Col. William Stryker (Danny Huston).

Directed By : Gavin Hood
turns into an indestructible mutant with retractable razor-sharp claws, after he goes through the mutant Weapon X program. Other major characters that can be seen in the movie include Deadpool

Starring : Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Danny Huston, Will i Am, Lynn Collins, Kevin Durand, Dominic Monaghan, Taylor Kitsch

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